
The great competence  in electrical and electronics makes Marintech S.r.l. a valid partner for procurement of any type of equipment for marine application.

Many years of experience make that Marintech is able to perform all kind of supply in the shortest time of delivery.

The basket of products and equipment that Marintech supplies includes control and monitoring, as well as lighting fixtures , up to the most complex instrumentation and internal communication equipment and systems.

Below a not exhaustive list  of what we normally deliver: 


Control and Monitoring equipment  

Integrated automation systems
Cargo monitoring systems
Propulsion control systems
Main engines governors
Order manoeuvring recorders
Alarm panels
Officer call systems
Extension alarm systems
Data to shore transmission
Conning stations
Power Management Systems
E.R. Telegraphs

Intrinsecally Safe  for hazardous areas

• Intrinsecally safe barriers
Galvanic Isolators
I.S. Multiplexers
I.S. Power supply units


Process Sensors and Instrumentation  

Microwave level gauges

Guided wave level gauges

Hydrostatic level gauges

Vibration level switches

HI and HHI level alarm

Pressure gauges

Temperature gauges


Fuel consumption meters

Draft sensors

Interface detectors
Digital panel meters
Digital recorders
Water ingress Alarms
Inventory control systems
Flow switches





Batteryless telephones

Talk –back systems

Public address systems

General alarm systems

Entertainment systems

External sound detector


Centralized clock systems

Centralized radio Tv systems



Navigation lights
Signal lights
Navigation light control panels
Digital telephone exchange
Analogue telephone exchange
Telephone sets
Paging systems
Fire detection and alarm systems
Loading computers
CCTV systems
Lighting fixtures
Floodlights and searchlights
Day signal lamps
Propeller RPM measure
Gas detection in void spaces
Pres-vac valves
Floating switches
Rotating and flashing lamps
Acoustical warning devices